Everyone loves to snack. But as a whole, the importance of the nutritional decisions made while snacking don’t seem to be fully realized by our society. Snacking can actually be a really good thing if it’s used as a nutrition and fuel gaining opportunity. Give these fat burning combinations a try!
Toss 3/4 of a cup of high-fiber, low-sugar cereal into a bag with some almonds, and maybe even some raisins! This makes for a tasty, guilt-free snack that will keep you going all day!
Protein | 12 grams
Fiber | 6 grams
Pairing almost any fruit with protein, like that found in milk makes for a super satisfying snack! In addition to that, unlike a carb-heavy snack option – protein will stick around a lot longer and keep hunger at bay!
Protein | 10 grams
Fiber | 10 grams
Whole-Wheat Crackers & Canned Tuna
A can of tuna not only provides lots of protein, it’s also a great source of omaga-3s! One can of tuna (packaged in water, not oils) scooped onto around 6 whole-wheat crackers makes for an excellent snack!
Protein | 20 grams
Fiber | 3 grams
– Another name for boiled soybeans, makes for an awesome quick snack. It can be eaten hot or cold, and can even purchased in freezable snack packs for a very low cost! Look for them either in the pod, or out – depending upon how much effort you’d like to expend eating them. Season with salt & enjoy!
Protein | 17 grams
Fiber | 8 grams
Try to find a protein bar that’s under 200 calories. The Luna bar makes for an excellent pick – and it tastes delicious! These make for perfect on-the-go snacks, simply unwrap and enjoy!
Protein | 12 grams
Fiber | 3 grams