Roadcheck 2013 begins today. This year’s Roadcheck is scheduled for June 4-6.
Roadcheck is the largest targeted enforcement campaign on trucks and buses. Each year, more than 1,000 trucks and buses are inspected each hour, for a 72-hour time period.
Inspection stations are set up throughout North America, from Canada to Mexico.
Last year, 74, 072 trucks and buses were inspected. A historically low number of trucks and drivers were placed out of service: 22.4% of trucks and 3.9% of drivers were placed OOS.
Roadcheck 2012 focused on braking systems and HOS.
74,072 CMVs were inspected
625 passenger carrying vehicles were inspected.
15.6% of Hazmat trucks and 2.3% of Hazmat drivers were placed OOS.
27,000 CVSA decals were issued to trucks with no violations.
Top Violations:
Source: JJ Keller
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