On November 1, 2013, the SC Ports Authority announced a new Clean Truck Certification Program will go into effect on January 1, 2014.
The goal, the Ports Authority said, is to “ensure that a reliable, cleaner trucking fleet will serve SSPA container terminals in order to continue reducing port-related air emissions.”
The Clean Truck Certification Program was launched as a result of the Navy Base Terminal permit process. The program will require trucks entering the port to have engines manufactured in 1994 or later, and drivers and fleet owners must enroll in the program by January 1, 2014.
“The Port is committed to operating in a way that is mindful of the environment and good for business,” said Jim Newsome, SCPA President and CEO. “By implementing this program, we achieve a reduction in the air quality impacts resulting from an older truck fleet, and modernize the over-the-road equipment just as we are doing on terminal with newer equipment. The Clean Truck Certification program is the next step in our well-established, common sense port-related emissions reductions strategy.”
During the month of November, the SCPA offered $5,000 incentives to truck owners who upgraded their truck engines. Over the last two years, 84 trucks have been upgraded, thanks to the incentive programs.
“I didn’t realize how much of a difference this program would make,” said truck driver Donald MacKinnon. “My 1992 International was still working fine, but with the help of the Truck Replacement Program, I was able to replace it with a 2007 Freightliner. With my new truck, I don’t feel as tired at the end of the day, and I’m less worried about mechanical issues. I would recommend this to other drivers.”
The SCPA is offering a limited number of hardship registrations, but they will be available on a first come, first serve basis. The hardships are available to trucks that have been at the terminals at least 52 times in the previous 52 weeks.
Hardship exemptions will expire on June 30, 2014.
“As truckers and residents of the Lowcountry, we seek to provide motor carrier service using the most fuel efficient and cleanest burning trucks possible,” said Keith Johnson, President of the Charleston Motor Carriers Association. “We support the Clean Truck Program and the opportunity it gives our members to upgrade their truck engines. This is a positive initiative both for our industry and for the environment.”
Registration Website: cleantruck.scspa.com
For driver inquiries, please contact Patrick Moore at 843-577-8175.