Truck drivers face many dangers out on the road. In fact, the profession has been rated the 8th most dangerous job in the U.S. An accident that occurred over the weekend illustrated one of the many dangers of the job.
On Saturday, a flatbed truck driver was traveling north on Frosty Morn Drive, in Clarksville, Tennessee, when his load suddenly shifted, crushing the cab and the driver inside.
At this time, it is unknown what caused the load to shift.
According to The Leaf Chronicle, the driver was trapped inside the crushed cab. He died at the scene.
A crane had to be brought in from 45 minutes away to remove the front loader.
CDLLife contacted Clarkesville Public Information Officer Jim Knoll who said the accident is currently under investigation with the Tennessee Highway Patrol. “We are still investigating what caused the accident. We’re looking for breaks in the chains, but at this time, we don’t know the official cause of the accident.”
The driver has been identified as 66-year-old Carroll Hall of Goodlettsville, Tennessee.
This is a developing story, CDLLife will bring you updates as they come available.
Photo Credit: CPD Public Information officer Jim Knoll