Out there on the road, you’re bound to stumble upon some crazy, offensive, and downright ridiculous license plates.We’ve compiled a list of the top 25 banned license plates that are so far out there, they’re not even allowed on the road. What’s the craziest license plate you’ve ever seen?
1. 33MTA3 (think rear-view mirror)
5. SF409RS (maybe the MVC hates this football team?)
10. EFFEWE (Maybe the MVC doesn’t like sheep?)
11. BDASVET (Either “Bad Ass Vet” or an homage to a desolate Russian fishing village.)
14. IPASGAS (Either “I Pass Gas” or an homage to a desolate Spanish fishing village.)
15. BIG TURD (Term of endearment for family patriarchs in some communities.)
16. HALE NO (Revolutionary War history hater.)
17. HOOKER (Someone who just takes pride in their job.)
18. FOR PLAY (Should be “four play,” actually.)
21. COW-PADY (Pronounced “cow-PUH-dee.”)
22. BUTUGLY (Pronounced “BUH-tuh-glee.”)
23. PQRN STAR (Sexy fan of fake chicken patties.)
24. BUELSHT (Enemy of Liv Tyler’s mom, Bebe Buell.)
25. ILUVSEX (Promotes some sort of medication, too advertisey.)