VIDEO: 10 Years In a Coma– Anti-Drinking And Driving Prank

Comedian Tom Mabe has had it with his friend’s history of drinking and driving.  The friend has racked up 5 DUI and, according to Uproxx, has still has not learned his lesson! Mabe was hoping to teach him one.

Knowing that history will likely repeat itself, Mabe sets a plan into motion to prank his friend straight.  He waits until his friend passes out drunk in his vehicle and then transports the man to a fake hospital that’s been set up in an office.

When the man comes to, the doctors tell the man he’s been in a coma for 10 years.

While the tone in the beginning is light, by the end, it’s obvious Mabe has had it with his friend.

Some are saying the prank was fake.  What do you think?



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