Cyclist Slams Driver’s Head In Door During Road Rage Incident

A 48-year-old English lorry driver was brutally attacked by an angry cyclist in a fit of road rage last week.

The driver told authorities that he had stopped on a narrow roadway to allow an oncoming car to safely pass – when the unthinkable happened.

According to the lorry driver, an attempt was made to flag down an approaching cyclist, to alert him of the oncoming car.

The cyclist (who has been described as a white, stocky male) angrily approached the driver, frustrated that his large truck was blocking the small roadway. The driver stepped out of his truck to converse with the angry cyclist.

Unfortunately, the situation quickly escalated, and the cyclist became verbally abusive. He attacked the lorry driver, and managed to slam the driver’s head in the door of the truck cab – rendering the driver unconscious.

The driver eventually came to his senses, intended to continue along his route, but quickly realized that he was in need of medical attention. He is alright, but was treated for a concussion.

Although the authorities were able to make contact with a witness, the cyclist has not yet been identified.

BBC News | Suffolk
Sudbury RUFC


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