Milk Tanker Slides Down Hill And Crashes Into Home

Paralyzed 55-year-old Ohio man, James Mazgaz and the nurse caring for him survived a close-call with a milk tanker that crashed into their home on Wednesday of this week.

The tanker was carrying 35,000 pounds of milk from the nearby diary farm owned by Mazgaz’s brother. According to authorities, the driver, Sam Smith, began his decent down the farm’s steep hill when the truck began to slide down. Smith could feel the wheels breaking over the edge of the driveway – and immediately knew that he needed to evacuate.

The driver was able to bail out of the truck’s cab, and the rig proceeded to slide down, crashing into Mazgaz’s home – coming to rest only 10 feet from where Mazgaz was sleeping.

According to James Mazgaz’s brother Jeff, the dairy farm owner, “I really don’t see any negligence. It was one of those bad calls with winter-time weather. Milk hauling’s just like farming — you’re out there seven days a week.”

Fortunately there were no injuries caused by the accident.

Farm & Dairy


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