Police in Prosper, TX Push for Increased Truck Ban

On August 12, the Prosper Police Department in Prosper, TX will be asking the Town Council to consider six “no through truck” areas within town limits, pushing to ban large trucks on an increased number of roads and side streets

Currently, large commercial trucks are banned from using Frontier Parkway between Dallas Parkway and Preston Road, but can use any other road in the Preston area.

“And that is a problem,” Police Chief Doug Kowalski said in a news release.

He said that while that the department supports the critical part trucks play in the nation’s economy, their main concern is the safety of its residents. Students and parents commuting to and from school, traveling down narrow streets never designed for large vehicles could be at risk, he said.

“The air wash from a trailer traveling 60 miles-an-hour can play havoc with a small sedan or passenger vehicle,” Kowalski stated.

“Especially vulnerable are the minivans and SUVs, popular with the ‘soccer moms’ who carries multiple children with them. Their high center of gravity makes them slightly less stable than a lower profile car,” he added.

The proposal would limit large commercial vehicles from 1 p.m to 7 p.m on the following roads:

The remainder of Frontier Parkway from Preston Road to Custer Road; the entire length of Prosper Trail from the Dallas Parkway to Custer Road; First Street from the Dallas Parkway to Custer Road; Coit Road from Hwy 380 to Frontier Parkway; the entire length of Coleman Road from Hwy 380 northward; and Talon Lane from Coleman Road to Frontier Parkway.

Trucks would still be allowed on Hwy 380, Preston Road, Dallas Parkway and FM 1385 on the Town’s western edge.

As the ban is designed to eliminate only pass-through truck traffic, the ban would exclude trucks making local deliveries or trucks with a specific reason to be on those roads.






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