By Heidi O.
This is purely for Entertainment Purposes and should NEVER be taken seriously! With that being said: there are some things that others should just NEVER say to a truck driver, and if they do, they may be asking for a smart a** answer:
1. Don’t You Miss Your Family?
(Well, no, I just enjoy being alone on the road for long periods of time and missing every single thing my children may do. *Facepalm*)
2. Oh, you drive a truck!
(Hmmmm, well last I checked I did, but maybe since you see me getting out of a big rig with a trailer attached, you just figured that out all on your own).
3. Aren’t you worried your woman/man will cheat on you?
(Ummm, NO. I don’t cheat on her/him so why should I worry about her/him cheating on me? I have much more important things to worry about than that!)
4. You must make a LOT of money!
(Hahahahahahahaha… you can’t even make a comeback for this one because you can’t stop laughing).
5. Why are you late?
(Well, gee, maybe because I just sat in a traffic backup for the last hour and when I called your receiving line and nobody answered).
6. For the Reefer Haulers (and people who don’t know what this is) – Oh my God, you haul reefer… isn’t that illegal?
(And again, you are laughing so hard, you can’t even comeback on this one!)
7. For the Flatbed Haulers – You call THAT a tarp job? And this is on one of those awkward pieces of equipment that you can’t wrap pretty like a Christmas gift.
(Oh, well I can un-tarp it and you can do it for me if you would like).
8. Oh, so you just sit on your butt all day!
(Don’t smack them, just tell them that you not only sit on your butt, but you also get to see some of the country’s most beautiful offerings while you sit there).
Again, these are for Entertainment Purposes ONLY! – Enjoy your day and laugh! Laughter is good all the time and all the time, laughter is good!