Home Health DIY: First Aid Kits For the Road

DIY: First Aid Kits For the Road

DIY: First Aid Kits For the Road

You never know when an accident or illness may occur- That’s why it’s good to keep a well-stocked first aid kit on hand.

You can buy pre-packaged first aid kits at many stores, but we have a few additional items you should put in your DIY first aid kit or add to a prepackaged first aid kit if the items aren’t included.

-Benadryl or allergy medication and allergy cream

-Antibiotic ointment

-Tylenol, Advil or Alieve



-Bandaids in all different shapes and sizes

-Gauze pads and gauze roll

-Adhesive tape

-Antiseptic wipes


-Alcohol pads

Tooth ache care items

Eye wash and allergy eye drops



-Nasal decongestant

-Electrolyte packets for dehydration from diarrhea or stomach flu

-Bug bite cream

-Anti-fungal cream and spray

-ACE bandage

All of these items will fit into a large Ziplock bag.






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