New Law: No Permit Required To Conceal And Carry In Maine

A controversial new law went into effect in Maine last Thursday that will allow people to carry concealed weapons without a permit in the latest victory for “Constitutional Concealed Carry” advocates.

The new law applies to both residents and non-residents who are over 21 years of age. The statute also allows you to carry a loaded weapon in your vehicle in Maine. Those who are between 18 and 20 and actively serving in the military are also allowed to conceal and carry without a permit.

There are limitations, however. Without a conceal and carry permit, you cannot carry in a State Park or in your vehicle while on work premises — but with a permit you can. Further, if you have a conceal and carry permit, you don’t have to tell police that you are carrying a concealed weapon unless you are directly asked, while everyone else must tell police about their weapon immediately if they are stopped.

The new ‘no permit’ law ends a mandatory permit system that has been in place for the last 90 years.

Portland police have raised questions about the new law, saying that it puts them in unnecessary danger.

Other states that do not require a permit to conceal and carry? Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, Wyoming, and Kansas.

ABC 22 Now
The Huffington Post


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