Podcast To Follow: ‘Trucking Podcast’

When you’re spending long hours on the highway, listening to podcasts can be a great way to help pass the time.

We recently stumbled across a podcast called Trucking Podcast.”

The podcast is produced by truck drivers Buck Ballard and his son Don.

According to their site, “We both love the trucking industry, and the freedom it provides. I run regional, mostly in the upper mid-west. Don runs a local route, usually staying within 100 miles from home. It wasn’t always this way. In Don’s high school years, I was over the road and home on weekends. I missed the mid-week activities, like teacher conferences and after school events, but I was able to get to the big things, like track meets and band concerts.”

Their podcasts cover a variety of topics within the trucking industry– from entertainment, to regulations, to advice on buying a truck and much, much more.

In addition to podcasts, the Trucking Podcast website offers videos, articles, and product reviews.

I listed to a couple of their podcasts and I can say these guys do a great job! The show appears to be professional, informative and entertaining.

To date: the site has 58 podcasts.

Here are a few samples:

Do you listen to podcasts?  If so, which ones?


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