Port Of New York And New Jersey To Truckers: No Idling

The EPA has finalized agreements with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to try to cut down on air pollution by severely restricting truckers from idling.

New Jersey law prohibits trucks from idling more than three minutes at a time, but the agreement would require Port of Newark terminal owners to seriously step up enforcement of the law.

APM Terminals North America, Maher Terminals, and Port Newark Container Terminals have signed agreements with the Port Authority to not permit trucks to idle for more than three minutes at a time. They have agreed to put up anti-idling signs and provide anti-idling instructions at the gate, and provide anti-idling educational materials to drivers.

In exchange, the Port Authority will secure $200,000 to help owner-operators replace older trucks. They say they will also work with drivers to reduce port congestion and ease traffic.

The EPA justified the move by saying, ““The children of Newark suffer from asthma at a rate three times higher than the state average.These agreements should help relieve the burden.”

You can read the details of the agreement below.

[su_document url=”http://www.epa.gov/region02/air/pdf/port_authority_moa_final.pdf” width=”700″]

Environmental News Services


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