Borax was a staple for many households for years. Many used it to brighten and deodorize laundry and for cleaning, but there are many other great uses for Borax.
If you don’t keep a box of Borax in your truck, here are a few reasons why you should.
-Add some Borax to your laundry. It will help clean your clothes, remove stains, brighten your whites and remove mildew odor.
-Make a paste to help remove stains from your clothing. Mix 2 tbsp of water and 1 tbsp of Borax. Rub the mixture into the stain. Let the mixture sit on your clothes for an hour and then launder the garment.
-Borax helps remove odors from mattresses. Generously sprinkle the powder onto your mattress. Let the powder sit for several hours and then vacuum your mattress. The powder will absorb and neutralize odors.
-It can be used as a deodorizer. Sprinkle the powder in litter boxes, trash cans, refrigerators, carpet and upholstery.
-Remove rust using a mixture of Borax and lemon juice. Simply mix 1 tbsp of Borax and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Create a paste and sponge it on the affected area. Gently rub the mixture onto the area. Wipe the paste away with a clean cloth.
-Use Borax to remove gooey, gummy, sticky adhesive residue. Mix the powder and water together in a 2:1 ratio. Work the mixture into the gooey area and then rinse away.
-Borax is a natural pest repellant. Sprinkle equal parts of Borax and sugar in your trailer or around the walls of your cab to keep roaches and waterbugs away.
-Borax can also be used as a flea killer. Sprinkle the powder onto dog beds, upholstery, carpet. (Make sure your pet does not ingest the powder substance. Borax contains boric acid, which is poisonous.)
You can purchase Borax at most grocery and big box stores. It is extremely inexpensive. Pick up a box next time you’re at the store. You never know when it might come in handy!
20 Mule Team
Wacky Uses