-1.3 C
New York

Wrong Way Accident Between Off Duty Police and Truck Driver Kills Two


Three off-duty New Jersey police officers returning from a strip club caused a fatal accident when they drove the wrong way down a New York highway, causing a head-on collision with a truck driver on Friday (March 20). The truck driver was injured and two of the four men in the police officer’s vehicle were killed. The other two officers are in critical condition.

Investigators Suspect Alcohol Was Involved

Authorities are investigating whether alcohol was involved in the accident. One of the officers posted a photo of three shot glasses filled with “Jack Daniels Fire On The House” hours before the crash. Investigators have requested a warrant to test the driver’s blood alcohol level, but they say it is too early in the investigation to say whether alcohol was to blame.

Police have not released the name of the truck driver, whose injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.

Truck Driver Was Unable To Avoid Wrong Way Collision

Surveillance video captured at a gas station shows a vehicle traveling the wrong way on a service road leading to a southbound exit to the highway. Reports indicate that one truck was able to swerve to avoid the car, but the second truck did not have enough time to avoid the collision.

Lancaster Online
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This Week in Trucking
