“My sciatica is acting up again.”
Stick around in trucking long enough and you’ll probably hear this statement — either from another trucker or coming out of you own mouth. That’s because driving for long periods of time, carrying heavy loads, or having a job that requires you to twist your back are all suspected risk factors that contribute to sciatica. Additionally, growing older, obesity, and diabetes can all increase your risk of developing this condition.
Sciatica is caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve. The hallmark symptom is pain in the back of the leg and lower back, but there other symptoms that can point to sciatica.
If you’ve been experiencing lower back or leg pain, here are some sciatica symptoms you should know.
Luckily, sciatica goes away on its own about 80% of the time within 90 days. Try over-the-counter pain medications to keep the pain at bay and see a doctor if your condition worsens. Cold packs and exercise can also help.
You can also try this gentle stretching routine to help fight sciatica pain.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZLLvJmGQL8″ width=”700″ height=”500″ responsive=”no”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQcDgkbAi30[/su_youtube]
Mayo Clinic
NY Times