Local News Crew Scolds Truckers For Not Driving To Conditions

A local news crew out of Spokane targeted truckers with a speed gun, claiming that they weren’t slowing down enough on icy roads.

Some Facebook users have already responded to the video segment.

Why don’t you watch what the cars, pick ups, etc are doing? Truckers have more rubber on the ground and more hours on the road. Too many times I’ve seen cars cutting truckers off, stopping abruptly in front of truckers to turn, tailgating them, or driving in their blind spots.” — Tammy DeGroot

Until you have all the information you really need to make a presentation like this. It truly is unfair to put this uninformed message out in the world.I’m not claiming perfection at all. We put in 10 to 12 times as many times the mile as the average 4 wheel vehicle every year. The fact is we are working; you are just in the way. Get over and stay out of the way. Thank you.” — Don Williamson

Question for you: Should the news truck have more of a following distance between the vehicle in front of them in those conditions?” — Jeffrey D. Willis

I could say a lot on this topic but just going to say that I would rather be on the road with commercial drivers (aka truckers) than even an eighth of the other drivers.” — Johnpaul Nettie Payseno


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