3 C
New York

Texas Sets Up Hotline To Get Truck Driver Feedback On I-30 Corridor


Because of the volume of truck traffic traveling through the I-30 corridor in eastern and northeaster Texas, transportation officials have set up a hotline to get trucker feedback on the future of the roadway.

The TxDOT sponsored “I-30 East Texas Corridor Study” group is looking for input from drivers who travel on “I-30 from Farm-to-Market Road (FM) 2642 near the Rockwall/Hunt county line to the Texas/Arkansas state line in Texarkana.”

Here are a few questions that TxDOT would like drivers to answer:

  1. Are there enough truck stops?
  2. Does I-30 need dedicated lanes for passenger vehicles and commercial vehicle traffic?
  3. How could safety be improved on I-30?

If you care to participate in the study, you can either call or text  (434) 878-2530 (or 434-TRUCK30). In order to have your answers included in the study, you must respond by August 31, 2016.

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This Week in Trucking
