As many as 8,000 truck drivers may be asked to retake medical exams after investigators discovered that a chiropractor was allegedly issuing false medical certifications out of an Atlanta truck stop.
Chiropractor Suspected Of Issuing Hundreds Of Fraudulent Medical Exams Per Month
Federal investigators became suspicious of chiropractor Anthony Lefteris after they discovered that he was performing vastly higher numbers of medical exams than most practitioners.
Lefteris had reportedly been performing abut 360 truck driver medical exams per month out of an office in the Petrol Stopping Center off of I-285. Most other DOT physical examiners only perform 13 or 14 exams per month.
Investigators claim that Lefteris was able to perform this staggering number of exams because he wasn’t actually administering the required tests.
While it is unclear exactly how many drivers were improperly certified by Lefteris, he began issuing medical certificates in May 2014, and given his monthly average, he may have issued as many as 8,000 fraudulent medical certificates.
Lefteris was arrested and then released on a $20,000 bond.
FMCSA To Notify Drivers Who Must Obtain New Medical Certification
The FMCSA says that they are working to identify and notify drivers who were certified fraudulently. These drivers will be required to undergo medical examinations by a DOT certified examiner.
ABC News
The Atlanta Journal Constitution