Winter Driving Advice From Veteran Truckers

We asked CDLLife readers for advice on driving in challenging winter weather conditions. Out of the hundreds of responses that we received, these are some of the best pieces of advice from the drivers who have been there and done that!

“Drive slow. If someone wants to pass you, slow down and let them go. Don’t drive in packs. Leave yourself an outlet. Pay attention to the weather reports. Please be careful!!” — Kevin

“Know when to shut down and don’t listen to the supertruckers calling you a wuss for not driving in overly hazardous conditions. The miles aren’t worth the lives of you and/or other drivers on the road.” — Patrick

“Tire chains are mainly decoration for DOT, I’m shutting down if I have to chain up unless I just need to make it to a safe pull off, that load maybe thousands of dollars and needs to get somewhere but nowhere near the value of your life and others on the roads and it definitely can wait, it’s better to be late than never arrive at all.” — Johnnie

“Always ease off fuel pedal and gently decrease speed a half mile from turn off or exit and begin your signal a quarter mile ahead of an exit! People need extra time to see your intentions when the road is bad.” — Robin

“On sheer ice, don’t go too slow (5 or 10 mph). Your momentum will help keep you straight. Go in a high enough gear to keep your rpm’s low. This keeps you from putting to much power to the ground and spinning out. Find the spot in the road where you will get the most traction. It is often near the fog line.” — Tim

“Wrecker driver here…it’s not so much the semis…it’s the four wheelers that spin out or try to pass and lose it…been doin it long enough to think I’ve seen it all but every year there’s something new.” — David

“Slow down. If you’re in the ditches? You were going to fast. If you rear-ended anybody? You were going to fast. I’ve grown up in the snowy north my whole life. The simple solution is slow down. Simple.” — Greg

“But seriously, do everything in slow motion. Never lock up your brakes or jerk the wheel. Take your time. Don’t take risks that could cost your safety. Give plenty of distance and look out for other drivers. If you feel less than confident, then find a safe place and stop. Better to arrive late than not to arrive at all.” — Josh

Thanks to all who commented to offer advice on winter driving!


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