Homeless Man Honored For Saving Trucker’s Life

Vermont firefighters held a ceremony yesterday to honor a homeless man who saved the life of a truck driver suffering from a heart attack.

Heart Attack Strikes Truck Driver Behind the Wheel

On May 4, 2017 on I-89 in Williston, Vermont, 68 year old truck driver and grandfather of six Paul Bristol was traveling south when he suffered from a sudden heart attack and lost control of his rig. Bristol’s truck ground against the left guardrail for 300 feet before coming to a stop.

The noise of the crash drew the attention of James Pocock, who was living in the woods near the interstate. In spite of having a broken foot, Pocock ran over to help.

Homeless Man (and Former EMT) Comes To Trucker’s Aid

Pocock climbed up on the truck and saw that Bristol was hunched over and didn’t seem to be breathing. He asked a passerby to call 911. Then, with the help of two Good Samaritans, he pulled the pulseless truck driver from the cab.

Pocock, who used to work as firefighter and EMT, began chest compressions and rescue breathing on Bristol. And he kept it up until rescue crews arrived on the scene to take over for him.

Bristol was taken to the hospital, where he later had surgery to have six stents placed in his blocked arteries.

Homeless Man Honored For Saving Trucker


Bristol and his family were present yesterday at a ceremony held by the Williston Fire Department to honor Pocock for his actions. Pocock received a medal and a plaque will be hung up in the fire station in remembrance of his courage.

The Bristol family has provided Pocock with some supplies and they are now friends on Facebook. Said Bristol, “I call him my wonder boy and he says, no, I’m the one. We’ve got a good relationship between the two of us. It’s almost like I got another chance or something. I haven’t completed yet. That’s the way my figuring is.


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