The Oakhurst division of the California Highway Patrol has announced that it will be amping up commercial vehicle enforcement starting on May 1.
Oakhurst CHP says that they’ll be expending more resources on commercial vehicle enforcement in the coming weeks because May 1 marks the official beginning of logging season, which means there will be more trucks on the road. CHP says that they are also considering setting up checkpoints to conduct commercial vehicle inspections in order to catch safety violations.
CHP’s announcement that they’ll be revving up commercial vehicle enforcement comes after three trucks crashed on Highway 49 in one week. The spokesman for CHP said that while local truck drivers are not a problem, an influx of out of state drivers may be contributing to more crashes. All of the truck drivers who crashed on Highway 49 last week were from outside of Madera County.
CHP also notes that drought and bark beetle infestations have killed hundreds of thousands of trees, which will also increase the number of logging trucks on the road. Said CHP spokesperson Kaci Lutz, “Given our situation right now, with all the dead trees, we want to make sure logging trucks, and trucks related to the logging industry, are operating safely and legally.”
CHP Oakhurst is also advising motorists to be aware that there will be more logging trucks on the road and to be patient and drive safely around them.