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Trucker’s body recovered after big rig slides off icy I-35 bridge into St. Louis River


The Minnesota State Patrol says that it has recovered the body of a truck driver hours after his semi truck skidded off of an icy bridge into the St. Louis River below.

Driver Loses Control On Icy Road

The crash happened in the Scanlon area around 4:30 this morning. As the season’s first winter weather barreled down on Minnesota, leaving roads slick with ice, a truck approaching a bridge on northbound I-35 near exit 239 reportedly lost control of his vehicle and crashed off of the bridge into the river.

Body Of Truck Driver Found After Search

After crews removed the semi from the river, the search continued for the truck driver, with multiple law enforcement agencies and rescue crews joining in the search.

After searching for hours, the body of the truck driver was recovered from the river.

The identity of the driver and the company that he or she worked for have not yet been released.

The Minnesota State Patrol is still investigating the incident.

Dozens of other crashes have been reported in the area due to winter weather conditions. MNDOT is asking drivers to slow down and drive carefully as roads remain slippery.

This Week in Trucking
