NY has “had enough” of trucks on Hutchinson River Parkway

A New York tranportation official has declared that he’s had “enough of trucks” on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

The latest bridge strike occurred on May 31 on King Street Bridge in Rye Brook. The incident left debris on the roadway, causing delays in morning traffic. The bridge strike was apparently enough to make Westchester County Executive George Latimer declare that he’s planning on ramping up efforts to keep trucks off of “the Hutch.”

According to Lohud, the parkway is riddled with low overpasses that truckers often crash into after ignoring warning signs. The crashes cause damage to bridges and result in traffic jams.

There have been many attempts to stop the illegal truck traffic. People have advocated for better, more obvious warning signage, as well as barriers that prohibit large trucks from entering the parkway. The barriers would halt trucks before they reached a low overpass.

Rye Brook Mayor Paul Rosenberg finds the whole situation mind boggling, questioning how so many truckers can miss the warning signs that are already in place.

“… quite honestly, the state has tried various methods which I would have thought would have solved the problem, but for some reason haven’t,” Rosenberg said.

The mayor, along with the entire community, is ready to get this problem solved before another accident or first fatality occurs.


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