PA officer accused of asking trucker for sex in exchange for lenient inspection

The Pennsylvania State Police have filed charges against one of their own motor carrier enforcement officers for allegedly soliciting a sex act from a truck driver in exchange for leniency during an inspection.

Forty-nine year old Pennsylvania State Police motor carrier enforcement officer Robert Aigeldinger has been charged with criminal coercion and official suppression.

The charges stem from an alleged incident on Thursday, August 23, on I-81 in Dorrance Township. During the incident, Aigeldinger is accused of asking a truck driver for sex in exchange for leniency on violations during a commercial vehicle inspection.

Aigeldinger is free on $25,000 unsecured bail and is due back in court on September 6, according to Lehigh Valley Live.

Aigeldinger has been suspended without pay.

Pennsylvania State Police are still investigating the incident.



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