Trucker says he’ll ‘never talk smack’ again after loaded semi saved by a pickup

Watch as a group of truckers struggling to get up an icy hill during a snow storm get a little help from a driver in sturdy Chevy pickup truck.

The video was captured on I-70 in downtown St. Louis, Missouri, as a devastating weekend snowstorm dumped a foot of snow on the area.

Facebook user and truck driver Adam Bosler wrote:

I swear on my life I will never talk smack on Chevy again. This dude was a straight bada$$. Got me and several other LOADED tractor trailers up the hill in downtown! (Sorry for the language I was highly impressed) 😂
If we could find out who this guy was thatd be awesome.

Bosler said, “I think it’s incredible when everybody in the same industry can come together make things happen just to get everybody home.”

The pickup truck driver, later identified as Valon Ibishi, told KSDK, “I like to help people and for that reason, I just opened the doors as soon as people for everybody to go home and safe.”

Ibishi reportedly pulled four semi trucks up the hill with his Chevy pickup.

Video of the rescues has gone viral, having been viewed more than 1 million times and shared over 26,000 times.

You can view video of the pickup truck rescues below.


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