Home Technology ‘Definitely different’: Truckers get a first-hand look at a self driving semi

‘Definitely different’: Truckers get a first-hand look at a self driving semi

Drivers grilled a company executive about how the driverless technology handles conditions like high winds and reckless car drivers.


In a VICE News video report, an autonomous trucking company executive stops by a truck stop to talk with drivers about the technology that threatens their jobs.

The VICE News report is called “This is how those self-driving delivery trucks really work.”

The video features an in-cab demonstration of the autonomous truck technology (with a safety driver behind the wheel just in case). Later, Chuck Price, Vice President of Product with self-driving truck start up TuSimple acknowledges the devastating impact that autonomous trucks could have on the men and women of the trucking industry and then even sits down with a few drivers at the truck stop to hear their concerns about the technology.

The drivers grilled Price about the real world application of the self-driving technology, asking about what happens when cars cut off the TuSimple truck, how the truck handles in high wind situations, and whether they’ve tested the technology with a loaded vs. unloaded trailer.

The drivers are invited to check out the cab of the TuSimple truck in the truck stop parking lot and one declares it to be “definitely different.”

You can check out the video below.

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