Hot tar truck part of 7 vehicle pileup in bridge-tunnel

Virginia State Police say that they are investigating a multi-vehicle pileup that occurred in the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel this morning.

The crash happened in Hampton, Virginia, at 8:22 a.m. on Wednesday, May 15, according to a news release from Virginia State Police (VSP).

From VSP:

The preliminary investigation reveals that a Ford F-350 box truck traveling east on I-64 swerved to avoid slowing traffic ahead of it. The box truck swerved into the path of a tanker- truck, which caused the tanker-truck to strike the tunnel wall. The box truck jack-knifed into the tractor trailer, which sparked a chain reaction of vehicles crashing in the eastbound lanes inside the HRBT. 

The tanker-truck is loaded with hot tar and is being handled as a hazardous materials situation.

VSP says that no serious injures were reported.

The incident resulted in massive delays, with traffic backups of three miles reported, but all lanes were reopened by 11 a.m.


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