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Lawmakers want to add a new toll to one of America’s busiest interstates


Lawmakers in two states are currently considering plans to toll drivers on one of the nation’s busiest interstates.

Wyoming Lawmaker Wants To Toll The Entirety Of I-80

Wyoming Senator Michael Von Flatern recently announced that he has plans to introduce legislation to impose tolls on I-80 in order to fund a project to add a third lane on the interstate, according to a report from KGAB.

Von Flatern says that his plans to toll the interstate are motivated by the almost daily shutdowns due to weather. Von Flatern says that the frequent I-80 closures prevent some lawmakers from returning home on the weekends.

Under Von Flatern’s plan, only passenger vehicles would be eligible to use the new third lane.

Wyoming lawmakers tried unsuccessfully to impose tolls on I-80 in 2009.

Illinois Considers Tolling I-80 In Will County

Lawmakers in Illinois are also taking steps to impose tolls on I-80 in Will County.

A new report from WJOL says that State Representative Larry Walsh Jr. has introduced a  bill that would start transitioning a portion of I-80 into a toll road. If the bill passes, I-80 would be tolled between Route 47 in Morris and I-294.

Funds generated by the proposed toll would go toward infrastructure improvements to I-80.

An estimated 85,000 to 100,000 vehicles pass through the proposed toll stretch of I-80 each day.

Illinois would still need permission from the federal government to impose new tolls on an interstate if the bill passes.

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