Michigan troopers kick off truck safety enforcement blitz next week

While drivers across the country are already preparing for the nation’s biggest truck enforcement activity of the year, those passing through Michigan will be under even more scrutiny by state police starting next week.

Next week, Michigan State Police will kick off their Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT), WXYZ reports. Troopers say that the purpose of the campaign is to cut down on crashes involving commercial vehicles. Both passenger vehicle drivers and commercial vehicle driver will be ticketed during the enforcement effort, troopers say.

The TACT enforcement will be taking place along the I-94 corridor between 6 a.m and 10 p.m. on e June 3 -7 and June 10 -14.

The International Roadcheck campaign is taking place June 4 – 6 throughout the United States, Mexico, and Canada.


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