Time is running out to submit your comments on HOS changes

There is only one week left to submit your comments to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) on their proposed changes to Hours of Service regulations.

The FMCSA is still accepting public comments on Hours of Service regulation changes now through October 21. The agency published an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making on Hours of Service regulations in August 2019.

As of October 15, the FMCSA has received 7,247 comments on the proposed changes.

You can view a brief rundown of the proposed changes below.

After the comment period closes on October 21, the FMCSA will review those comments and take them into consideration before publishing a Final Rule on HOS. The publication of the Final Rule could take several months. After the publication of the Final Rule, it could take another year before the HOS changes are actually implemented.

You can click here to submit your comment online.


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