With runaway ramp closed, semi flying down mountain pass smashes into gravel shed

Last night, a semi truck crashed into a gravel storage shed at the bottom of a steep mountain pass in Wyoming.

The incident happened on Monday, September 30, in the Jackson, Wyoming area.

A semi truck hauling potatoes and onions was reportedly traveling down Teton Pass at a high rate of speed when it crashed into a gravel shed located at the bottom of the pass.

#HEADSUP A tractor-trailer truck has crashed into the gravel storage area on Teton Pass.

Posted by Jackson Hole Buckrail on Monday, September 30, 2019

Wyoming Highway Patrol trooper Todd Baxter told local news outlet Jackson Hole News & Guide that the truck driver “veered off and went across the oncoming traffic lane, which the other drivers had moved out of, and drove straight into our sand storage shed …The gravel acted like a ramp. When the trailer struck, there was still enough momentum that the cab ripped right off the frame. The cab flew through the air at least 100 feet away from the trailer and hit a tree. When it hit that tree, it broke the motor off and the motor fell down at the base of the tree. There are potatoes and onions everywhere.”

The truck driver was taken to the hospital. His condition is unknown and his identity has not yet been released.

The runaway ramp on Teton Pass has been shut down since September 10 after it partially failed when it was used by a pickup truck hauling a load of logs. The Wyoming Department of Transportation shut down the ramp to investigate the failure.

Trooper are still investigating whether the truck’s brakes failed or whether weight was a factor in the crash. Charges could be filed, police say.

You can see aftermath of the crash in the video below.

A truck hauling a load of potatoes lost its brakes and barreled into the gravel storage shed at the base of Teton Pass. The cab separated from the trailer and continued about 50 yards into the woods below. The driver was taken to the hospital with unknown injuries. VIDEO BY BRADLY J. BONER / NEWS&GUIDE

Posted by Jackson Hole News&Guide on Monday, September 30, 2019

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