Ohio is building an automated truck corridor along a major interstate

The state of Ohio has received $4.4 million from the US Department of Transportation to spend on truck-centered automated driving technology. 

DriveOhio, a collaborative organization aimed at addressing forward-thinking mobility projects, was awarded the $4.4 million by the Federal Highway Administration for their Interstate 70 Truck Automation Corridor project, which will designate a portion of I-70 between Columbus, Ohio and Indianapolis, Indiana as testing grounds for automated semi trucks. 

 Freight companies and truck automation vendors will be encouraged to deploy semi-automated trucks along this stretch of road, allowing DriveOhio and the Transportation Research Center to collect data. This data will then be used to “deploy smart logistic solutions” which will prepare roadways for semi-automated trucks and guide autonomous truck policies at the federal level, reported State Scoop

During public road testing, a human driver will be required to be at the wheel at all times as a precaution. 

The project is expected to last four years with a total investment of $8.9 million after partner-contributed matching funds.


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