Some States Shutting Back Down, Truck Drivers Share Their Concerns

As cases of Covid are spiking across the country, some states are clamping back down.

Last week, Texas and Florida pulled back and ordered bars to close again and have restricted capacity at restaurants. Several counties in California have also ordered bars to close.

“It is clear that the rise in cases is largely driven by certain types of activities, including Texans congregating in bars,” Texas Governor Greg Abbott said.

Arizona’s governor ordered bars, movie theaters, gyms and water parks to shut down today.

Now, fears of second shut down have caused some to start panic buying again.

CDLLife polled App users about their concerns of a second shutdown. Their opinions were mixed. 49% of drivers said they were concerned, while 51% said that they were not concerned of a second wave.

They voiced their concerns and thoughts on the poll, as well:

“We need texting sites at all truck stops and have masks and gloves for all truck drivers at the same price they are at Walmart.”

“The company I was leased to got loads on open boards and rates tanked. I had to get my own authority to get in on what’ I’m doing now, so it’s not difficult to say I actually benefited from it.”

“Ya I’m concerned but also, I do not know of anyone personally that has caught it so I’m suspicious about the actual truth about what the media is reporting.”

“Slowed our trucking company way down and rates went way down on broker freight more shut downs and less trucing. It could break more companies and businesses.”

“Not concerned. Yes, I believe a second shutdown is on its way.”

“My company took a small hit but only because it chose not to lay anyone off.”

“I pick up freight for GM from their suppliers. I was shut down for 2.5 months.”

“I was affected by the first shutdown. Sat for 3 weeks from lack of good paying loads. Not going to take a load that puts me in the negative. I’m just getting back out of that hole. Not looking forward to a 2nd shutdown if there will be one.”

“Not worried at all. We run parma so meds are always needed.”

“One more shutdown and I’ll lose everything. I’ve worked for. Still digging out from the 1st one.”


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