Troopers celebrate Truck Driver Appreciation Week with a round of surprise inspections

The Nebraska State Patrol opted to target truckers with surprise inspections on Wednesday.

Less than a month after the Brake Safety Week blitz and less than a week after International Roadcheck, truckers traveling in Nebraska were once again subjected to an inspection blitz on Wednesday, September 16, courtesy of the Nebraska State Patrol’s Metropolitan Aggressive and Preventative Selective (MAPS) Team.

The inspections took place in North Platte and the surrounding areas. During the enforcement effort, troopers conducted 22 vehicle inspections. They discovered 67 violations and placed 11 trucks out of service.

The inspections took place during Truck Driver Appreciation Week, which takes place September 13 — 19.

Troopers say that “the surprise inspections target commercial vehicles that might not travel outside the city or pass through weigh stations as part of their regular routes.”

The NSP’s MAPS Team often conducts surprise inspections two or three days in a row and these inspections often come shortly after a larger enforcement effort — like Roadcheck.


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