Video highlights problems truckers face with protesters (and police) at meat processing plant

A Canadian livestock hauler shared video of problematic encounters with both police and protesters during animal rights demonstrations outside of an Ontario meat processing facility.

The video was recently shared by livestock hauler Michael Koch, who runs the Truth Behind Animal Ag Transport Facebook page.

The video highlights the difficulties that truckers face due to animal rights protests, which include threats of arrest from police and protesters jerking open truck doors.

Disputes between truckers and protesters in Ontario came to head in June 2020 after prominent animal rights activist Regan Russell, 65, was fatally struck by a truck outside of the Fearman’s Pork Inc. meat processing facility in Burlington, Ontario.

Russell’s death occurred around the same time that Ontario lawmakers passed Bill 156, also known as the Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act, 2020. The bill prohibits people from interfering with a motor vehicle that is transporting farm animals and from interfering or interacting with the farm animals in the motor vehicle without the prior consent of the driver of the motor vehicle. The bill also allows for allow for “escalating fines of up to $15,000 for a first offence and $25,000 for subsequent offences, compared to a maximum of $10,000 under the Trespass to Property Act.”


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