“Don’t forget about these people” — Good Samaritans feed stranded truckers

Drivers stranded at several Louisiana truck stops received a warm meal thanks to the kindness of some strangers.

Jennifer Dunlap and Haley Huffman led the effort of feeding truckers who had been stuck for days at truck stops along Interstate 20 in the Haughton area.

When Dunlap noticed rows of semi-trucks lined up in the snow outside the Haughton Pilot truck stop off I-20, she was inspired to do what she could to help. Shortly after, she pulled up to the gas station, her vehicle fully stocked with food. With the help of some friends, she began handing out cups of warm soup and food to the hungry, stranded truck drivers.

With no gas or food available at the truck stops, dozens of drivers were grateful for her kind offer.

Dunlap’s heartwarming gesture has since gone viral on TikTok, where she reminded followers, “don’t forget about these people, they are the ones who sacrifice for you and your family.”

Dunlap continued her efforts, posting again on TikTok that she passed out food at the Bossier and Minden Loves locations.


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