A truck driver took to the CDLLife App to share some surprising photos of a natural phenomenon over the weekend.
The photo series depicts the damage a lightning strike can do to the cab of a truck, and the extent of the damage might just surprise you.
“In case you’re curious what a lightning strike does to a vehicle,” app member Iggy posted.
“Just an FYI, this was not me.”
The first photo shows a seriously cracked windshield, but that isn’t the worst of it. The inside of the cab is totally charred – from a smoked out window to a melted dashboard.
“If that happened to my vehicle I would start going to church more often and praying a lot,” commented one user.
“I didn’t even know lightning would strike a vehicle!” added CDLLife App power user, Susan RedFox.
“I always heard the rubber tires insulated it from happening. Wow! #mythbuster”
It’s not clear whether the driver of the truck was injured or not. Wherever they are, we wish them the best!