Trucker who ‘had to protect himself’ from a road-raging motorist has been released on bond

A truck driver who was jailed after fatally shooting a motorist that he says gave him ‘no choice’ has posted bail and been released. 

66-year-old truck driver James Armstrong was arrested on October 7th and released earlier this week after posting $3,000 in cash. 

According to Fox 11, Armstrong fatally shot Eric Sammons after the motorist pulled in front of him at an intersection, got out of his car, walked over to Armstrong’s door, and began screaming and cursing at him. Sammons then opened Armstrong’s door, so Armstrong shot him once in the chest. 

Jeffrey Simpkins, Armstrong’s attorney, says that his client only acted in self defense. 

“He [Armstrong] knew that he [Sammons] was mad, he was screaming, cussing,” Simpkins said. 

“Mr. Sammons then opened the cab door, proceeded to breach the hedge of protection. Mr. Armstrong had no choice but to defend himself. A 66-year-old man, 150 pounds versus a 51-year-old, 240 or 250-pound man.”

A magistrate found probable cause during the hearing and has sent the case to be heard by a grand jury. 

Armstrong was originally jailed on $200,000 cash only bond, but the bond was lowered to $30,000 bond with the ability to be posted “by any means.” Armstrong posted $3,000 in cash and has since returned to his home in Florida. He is allowed to return to work and is under no home confinement restrictions. 

Armstrong, along with three police officers, will testify before the grand jury on November 1st. 

“I still believe in James Armstrong. I still believe in self-defense. I believe Eric Sammons was the aggressor,” Simpkins said.


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