With truck stop full, truckers park on road in relentless Texas weather

A Reddit post showed a long line of semis who were forced to park out on a cold, icy road in Texas.

This past week, the state of Texas has experienced chilling temperatures, ice storms, snowfall and widespread power losses. This combination has caused havoc across the state’s roadways and truck stops.

One driver showed his experience trying to park for the night amid the terrible weather conditions.

“Keller, TX 0230. Everyone parked on the road because Pilot is full,” wrote u/bpcjd1267 on the r/Truckers subreddit.

Other drivers chimed in about the weather conditions in the comments.

“I’m a broker and have two trucks stuck there since Monday AM. Receiver isn’t open and nothing I can do about it. Layover charges continue to pile up and one of the dispatchers keeps giving me a hard time like I have any control over the weather. This week sucks all around.”

“I stayed at one south side of Dallas last night. People parked everywhere, at least one wreck in the lot. Had a hell of a time getting out this morning. Made it to my stop in Waco to find out the facility is locked up and nobody is working, lot is a sheet of ice so no way to get to my warehouse. Looks like I’m in Waco for the night. I normally love this southern route.”

“It’s crazy . Feel bad for anyone stuck in this mess and people without power and running water.”

“Texas has never been prepared for crazy snow events. Hopefully you can wait it out. It’s just a couple more days now.”

“Even the reserved spots?!?! That’s crazy!”


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