Big rig overturns after avoiding herd of loose horses

A semi truck overturned in California on Tuesday morning after swerving to avoid a herd of loose horses roaming the highway. 

The incident happened on the morning of March 22nd in French Camp, California. 

According to KCRA 3 News, the truck was hauling 75,000 pounds of produce on Interstate 5 northbound when six loose horses ran into the path of the oncoming truck. The driver swerved to avoid the animals but struck one, causing the rig to overturn south of the Matthews Road offramp. The rig then skidded down a roadside embankment, which split open the roof of the trailer, spilling pallets of produce, cans, and bottles down the side of the hill. 

The truck driver was not hurt in the crash, but one horse was killed. A short time later, five other uninjured horses were spotted near the freeway, and were corralled back into their nearby pasture, where officers guarded the hole they had escaped through. 

Two lanes of northbound I-5 were closed as tow trucks worked to right the wrecked truck and remove it from the side of the road. The area has since been cleared. 


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