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VIDEO: Semi skids on icy Maine road, walloping multiple cars


Dash cam and security cameras captured a sudden and serious semi truck crash that occurred on an icy Maine roadway last week.

The crash occurred around 9:45 a.m. on November 25 at Mile Hill Road in New Sharon, according to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO).

You can view dash cam video of the crash below. This collision occurs around the 1:45 mark if you’re in a hurry.

Police say that 41 year old Massachusetts-based truck driver Jean Fanfan, 41, was northbound on Mile Hill Road when he lost control of his 2022 Peterbilt due to ice on the roadway.

From FCSO:

The Peterbilt struck a parked 2016 Subaru Forrester which was in the northbound breakdown lane facing downhill and had been driven by Julie Burdin (30) of Strong, this caused the truck to veer to the opposite side of the road driving its nose into a deep ditch. As the truck was doing that, its trailer pivoted around 180 degrees and struck a 2015 Subaru which was parked in the southbound breakdown lane facing uphill and had been driven by Nancy Lloyd (62) of Falmouth. Lloyd was standing outside of her vehicle and was on the phone when the truck’s trailer slid sideways into her vehicle. Lloyd dove for the ground as the trailer box passed over her body striking her vehicle as well as a 2008 Chevy Pickup which was parked behind the Lloyd vehicle had been driven Wyatt Campbell (16) of Phillips who was also out of his vehicle along with his father Ruben Campbell (53) of Phillips. Ruben was struck by the trailer box and thrown to the ground.

FCSO said that “several personnel from the accident scene” were transported to a nearby hospital.

You can click here to view video of the same crash captured on a neighbor’s security camera system. 

This Week in Trucking
