FMCSA extends public input deadline after receiving only 12 comments regarding revamp of carrier safety rating system 

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has extended the deadline for public comment on a potential restructuring of the carrier safety rating system after receiving very little input from the industry. 

The FMCSA began seeking public comments on how it can best develop a new methodology to determine carrier safety on August 29th of this year. The comment period was intended to last 60 days and close on October 30th. However, the FMCSA officially extended the comment period on October 23rd after receiving a total of only 12 comments by Friday, October 20th. 

Now, the FMCSA says it “believes it is in the public interest to allow for public comment for an extended period.”

The comment period will now be open to the public through November 29th. They are seeking public comment on the following factors regarding carrier safety rating: 

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has extended the deadline for public comment on a potential restructuring of the carrier safety rating system after receiving very little input from the industry. 

The FMCSA began seeking public comments on how it can best develop a new methodology to determine carrier safety on August 29th of this year. The comment period was intended to last 60 days and close on October 30th. However, the FMCSA officially extended the comment period on October 23rd after receiving a total of only 12 comments by Friday, October 20th. 

Now, the FMCSA says it “believes it is in the public interest to allow for public comment for an extended period.”

The comment period will now be open to the public through November 29th. They are seeking public comment on the following factors regarding carrier safety rating: 

As of Monday afternoon, October 23rd, 20 comments had been filed. You can add your comment here.


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