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FMCSA provides Hours of Service relief for fuel haulers in eight states due to refinery shutdown, storms


The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a regional Emergency Declaration for truckers hauling various fuel products amid a refinery shutdown and severe winter weather.

The Regional Emergency Declaration was issued on January 16, 2023, due to “unanticipated shutdown of the Suncor refinery in Colorado, severe winter storms, and high demand resulting in difficulty in obtaining necessary gasoline, diesel and jet fuel in the Affected States.”

The Regional Emergency Declaration includes the following states:

  • Colorado
  • Kansas
  • Nebraska
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Wyoming

The FMCSA is providing relief from Hours of Service rules regarding maximum driving time for property-carrying vehicles for motor carriers and drivers providing direct assistance supporting emergency relief efforts transporting gasoline, diesel, or jet fuel into the Affected States.

“Direct assistance does not include transportation related to long-term rehabilitation of damaged physical infrastructure or routine commercial deliveries, including mixed loads with a nominal quantity of qualifying emergency relief added to obtain the benefits of this emergency declaration, after the initial threat to life and property has passed,” the FMCSA notes.

The Regional Emergency Declaration will remain in effect until the end of the emergency or until 11:59 p.m. (ET), February 15, 2023, whichever is earlier.

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