Here’s what Georgia has planned for that ‘blacked-out’ police big rig

Viral video of what appeared to be an unmarked Georgia police truck has been circulating trucking social media lately — Here’s what the truck will be used for.

Last week, Monster Customs Atlanta shared video of a black Kenworth T680 with custom blue and red lights and a license plate designation as a Georgia “State Officer.”

CDLLife reached out to the Georgia Department of Public Safety to learn more about what plans the agency has in store for the truck.

“MCCD (Motor Carrier Compliance Division) will use the truck for enforcement details and to pull the new driving simulator. The lights were installed last week, but the truck was damaged during the installation, and we are waiting for it to be fixed. It will be marked like a MCCD patrol vehicle,” a Georgia DPS spokesperson said.

Georgia isn’t the only state to used marked semi trucks for police enforcement activities or education.

Florida has three marked CMVs used during enforcement details.

And the Tennessee State Patrol has had their own custom Peterbilt for several years. They use it both as an education tool and in their enforcement efforts.

Tennessee Troopers Big Rig


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