Three semi trucks strike same police vehicle within minutes 

Three semi trucks struck the same police vehicle within minutes of each other in Fort Worth on Thursday morning. 

The accident happened on February 2nd on Interstate 20 in Fort Worth, Texas. 

According to the Fort-Worth Star-Telegram, two officers were responding to an accident on I-20 when an oncoming semi truck jackknifed into one of the responding patrol cars. Just as the officer exited the now-wrecked car, a second semi truck struck the vehicle. Then, as the officer made his way across the icy highway to get to the grassy median, a third semi truck struck the car for the third time. 

One of the officers injured his ankle on the ice, but both initially responding officers were able to get back onto the highway to check on the truckers involved in the wrecks. The officers were later taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. 

No further information has been released.


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