VIDEO: Trucker rides an open drainage ditch like a bucking bronco 

A flatbed driver was filmed driving along an open drainage ditch by a fellow trucker’s dash cam in this clip. 

In the video, the filming trucker is driving along a mostly straight, two lane roadway when a flatbedder heading in the opposite direction leaves the roadway and drives into a roadside ditch. 

The flatbed truck can then be seen riding the ditch, bouncing up and down before eventually slowing to a stop. 

“Bought my dad a dash cam for FD, this is what he already captured,” reads the video caption. 

“When he first landed on the ditch, dad told me he went up at least 5-10 feet high up in the air.”

“It’s a straight road right there, I’m sure [he was] either falling asleep or on the phone,” the poster continued. 

Watch the clip for yourself, below.

Bought my dad a dash cam for FD, this is what he already captured. Sadly he had it in a 1 minute loop and idk how to join them but when he first landed on the ditch, dad told me he went up at least 5-10 feet high up in the air.
by u/Thotphobia in Truckers

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