WATCH: The moment this four-wheeler’s passenger knew they messed up

A motorist’s passenger realized the exact moment the person driving them messed up in this near-miss video. 

In the clip, a trucker is driving along in the dark and is about to pass through an intersection at nearly 30 mph when a motorist in a pickup decides that he better make a left turn in front of the oncoming tractor trailer NOW. 

The two vehicles narrowly avoid contact and the pickup truck goes on its way, but not before the trucker notices the look of terror on the pickup passenger’s face. 

“The face of sheer terror on the poor girl screaming in the passenger seat is an image I won’t soon forget,” wrote the video poster. “Pulling out right in the path of a semi is a good way to seriously injure your passengers (even at these speeds)…” they added. 

The video goes on to explain the precautions the driver went through to ensure he didn’t get reported for “fleeing” the scene.


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