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Family brings hot meals to truckers at Montana truck stop in honor of fallen driver


Family members offered a home-cooked meal to truckers passing through a Montana truck stop as a way to remember a truck driver who passed away.

On February 14, the family of truck driver Freman Robins Bends passed out a hot meals made up of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and rolls to truckers at a Love’s in Hardin, Montana, according to a report from KURL8.

Bends was killed by his girlfriend Vernelle Lynn Badbear in November 2016. She is serving a 10 year sentence in federal prison.

As a way to remember Bends and his trucking career, family members gathered on his birthday at the truck stop to feed other truckers, knowing that a good meal can mean a lot to those out on the road.

In addition to showing appreciation for the trucking community, the Bends family also used the event to raise awareness about crimes committed against Indigenous people in the state of Montana.

Check out the video below for more.


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